
Programming in a purely functional languages means no mutation. So, "updating" a data structure means creating a copy with the desired changes.

insertAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt 0 x ys             = x : ys
insertAt i x (y:ys) | i > 0 = y : insertAt (pred i) x ys 

> "12345" |> insertAt 3 'A' |> insertAt 4 'B' |> insertAt 5 'C'

As you may learn in subsequent courses on data structures in, or compilers for, functional languages, a good compiler will generate code that does use pointers to reuse memory when parts of one data structured is shared with another.

In the above example, the linked list with the numbers 4 and 5 will be shared by all four lists (the original one and the result of each call to insertAt). But there will be four separate linked lists for the first three numbers 1 and 3. Three separate A nodes (two duplicates) will be created and two separate B nodes (one duplicate) will be created.

At the end of the today, some of this re-allocation is unavoidable. But, in cases where multiple updates occur at a similar place in the data structure, it would be nice to avoid the extra, unnecessary copies --- as well as the time to repeatedly traverse to the same location --- making a batch of changes before "moving" to another part of the data structure. That is, want to maintain a "focus" or "cursor" or "context" within the data structure, to allow fast traversal and changes around it, and then "rewind" or "zip up" the data structure as normal later on.

The key to the zipper pattern is to maintain links from a cursor back to the root, thus inverting the typical flow of pointers in the data structure. All "pointers" should point out from the cursor.


data ListZipper a
  = Z { cursor   :: Int    -- cursor == length revFront
      , revFront :: [a]
      , back     :: [a]
  deriving (Show)

Creating and removing zippers:

fromList :: [a] -> ListZipper a
fromList xs = Z 0 [] xs

toList :: ListZipper a -> [a]
toList (Z _ revFront back) = reverse revFront ++ back

Traversing left and right:

goLeft, goRight :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goLeft  (Z i (x:revFront) back) = Z (pred 1) revFront (x:back)
goRight (Z i revFront (x:back)) = Z (succ 1) (x:revFront) back

Insertion, before and after:

insertAfterCursor x (Z i revFront back) = Z i revFront (x:back)
insertAtCursor x (Z i revFront back) = Z (succ 1) (x:revFront) back

> :{
  |> fromList
  |> goRight |> goRight |> goRight
  |> insertAtCursor 'A'
  |> insertAtCursor 'B'
  |> insertAtCursor 'C'
  |> toList

Binary Trees

data BinaryTree a
  = Node a (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a)
  | Empty
  deriving (Show)

data Path a
  = Top
  | LeftStep
      a               -- this node val
      (Path a)        -- path up
      (BinaryTree a)  -- right child
  | RightStep
      a               -- this node val
      (Path a)        -- path up
      (BinaryTree a)  -- left child
  deriving (Show)

data BinaryTreeZipper a = Z (BinaryTree a, Path a) deriving (Show)

An alternative to LeftStep / RightStep would be for the direction to name the sibling, rather than the step:

Step a (Path a) (Either (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a))

Regardless of this choice, notice the type structure of Path; could represent with a list instead:

type Direction = L | R
type Path a = [(a, Direction, BinaryTree a)]


type Path a = [(a, Either (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a))]

Let's stick with the first definition.

Creating and removing zippers:

fromTree :: BinaryTree a -> BinaryTreeZipper a
fromTree t = Z (t, Top)

toTree :: BinaryTreeZipper a -> BinaryTree a
toTree (Z (t, Top)) = t
toTree (Z (t, LeftStep x up right)) = toTree (Z (Node x t right, up))
toTree (Z (t, RightStep x up left)) = toTree (Z (Node x left t, up))


goLeft, goRight, goUp, goDownLeft, goDownRight :: BinaryTreeZipper a -> BinaryTreeZipper a

goLeft (Z (t, RightStep x up left)) = Z (left, LeftStep x up t)
goRight (Z (t, LeftStep x up right)) = Z (right, RightStep x up t)
goUp (Z (t, LeftStep x up right)) = Z (Node x t right, up)
goUp (Z (t, RightStep x up left)) = Z (Node x left t, up)
goDownLeft (Z (Node x left right, up)) = Z (left, LeftStep x up right)
goDownRight (Z (Node x left right, up)) = Z (right, RightStep x up left)

Multi Trees

Generalize binary trees to ones with arbitrary number of children:

data MultiTree a
  = Node a [MultiTree a] -- children intended to be non-empty
  | Empty
  deriving (Show)

data Path a
  = Top
  | Step
      a               -- this node val
      (Path a)        -- path up
      [MultiTree a]   -- left siblings, in reverse order
      [MultiTree a]   -- right siblings
  deriving (Show)

data MultiTreeZipper a = Z (MultiTree a, Path a)
  deriving (Show)

Navigation; notice that goUp is the expensive case, requiring a call to reverse in order to zip the entire list of children back up:

goLeft, goRight, goUp, goDownFirst :: MultiTreeZipper a -> MultiTreeZipper a

goLeft (Z (t, Step x up (l:left) right)) = Z (l, Step x up left (t:right))
goRight (Z (t, Step x up left (r:right))) = Z (r, Step x up (t:left) right)
goUp (Z (t, Step x up left right)) = Z (Node x (reverse left ++ [t] ++ right), up)
goDownFirst (Z (Node x (t:children), p)) = Z (t, Step x p [] children)

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